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Rock Sculptures

Ice Sculptures


Land Rover

Series III


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Range Rover

'69 Bulkhead Refurbishment

Day 8

I was given a wonderful suggestion on how to patch holes in steel.

By clamping a piece of non-ferrous metal to the backside of the hole to be patched, a "bacstop" will be created for the weld.f

A full weld is made over the hole, and due to the presence of the backstop, burn through becomes less of a problem.

The piece of aluminum that comprised the backstop has been pitted lightly, so use a piece of scrap.

This image shows the backside of the weld and the flat surface that is created. Nothing is perfect, but this trick is worth using for the dramatic decrease in finishing work. The aluminum also helps to draw heat from the steel and decrease warping.


If you require a perfect finish on the backside, I suggest a quick weld to flush the backside and fill any micro-pits. Doing this with the heat of the first weld will allow for a shorter weld time, and resultingly, less finish work.


Email: Brett@GottdenerDesigns.com
Phone: 310-418-2002
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